Make Success as Easy as ABC!

Sometimes we get derailed and stressed because our performance isn’t going the way we hoped it would.

This stress comes from “single tracking” and boxing ourselves into pass-fail situations. We have conditioned ourselves to believe that falling short of the outcome means we failed.

But you are the one who defines and decides what success means for you.

What if you could set your goals so you’re guaranteed to be successful regardless of the outcome?

Rather than single tracking yourself, A – B – C it!

“A” is your ideal – the ideal outcome you could experience in any situation.

“B” is your backup plan. When you can’t achieve “A,” you shift focus to “B” and work on achieving that.

“C” is your safety net. If all else “fails,” you rely on this plan.

Recognizing when “A” is no longer attainable will be a key to your success. You’ll know when to pivot to B, shift your energy toward attaining that goal, and then shift to C if necessary.

Example – you’re working on your presentation skills, and you will be pitching on a major initiative to your boss and colleagues.

How will you define your success here?

Instead of setting one goal – nail the presentation – set three goals for yourself.

Plan A, your ideal, is to keep their interest and persuade them to support and implement your proposal. You focus on building your influence, but you recognize that the outcome isn’t fully in your hands. You can’t control their reactions, new info may come to light, politics may enter the decision, etc.

Plan B, your backup, is to speak clearly and confidently about your plans. Your focus here is on building your credibility and retaining your poise. This is more in your control and is valuable to your development.

Plan C, your safety net, is to learn something. How will you prepare differently the next time? What new keys to success did you discover? The more feedback you get and insights you receive, the better your next performance will be.

So, the next time you’re setting a performance goal, make achieving it as easy as A – B – C to guarantee your success!